Engineering Standard Details and Policies

The Engineering Division provides engineering guidance for development and capital improvement projects (CIP) in the Village of Huntley.  The Engineering Division maintains documents that enables uniformity of design standards and plan contents. Standardization enhances consistency in design quality and presentation, which is expected to minimize error and improve understanding of design intent, as data presentation and documentation practices become routine. Design engineers, inspectors, and contractors will benefit from the consistency of designs and plans, once they are familiar with the requirements. 

Engineering Design Standards and Related Documents
Engineering Guidance Manual
Approved Material List/General Notes

Engineering Standard Details
Subdivision Regulations and Design Criteria

Public Works and Engineering

11000 Bakley Street, Huntley, IL 60142
(mailing address: 10987 Main Street, Huntley, IL 60142)

Open Weekdays | 7am-4pm

Phone:  847-515-5222
Fax:  847-669-5034

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